My Freakin' Idea
And I still haven't even posted yet! I'm terrible!
So, I can wrap this up for you in a jiffy. What have I done since 1993. No sweat. I have married Jessica, the woman who was my best friend at the time of our trip. We have lived together (in order) in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Ecuador, New Jersey, Wisconsin, and New Jersey again. We bought a house in need of repair, and we have done many of those repairs. We started our own business which has supported us since 1998. I have balded enough to shave the whole damn thing on a day we now remember as "Whiskey Wednesday." I have written about basketball a lot, for various magazines. The hyped up version of my bio is here.
Since 1993 I have still not learned to sing on key. I can play about a total of six songs on the guitar, all of which I learned from Ben Yeomans.
But what really matters is that we have a little girl, Molly. She recently turned two and already speaks better English than I do. We also have a dog, the same cat I had in college, and no TV reception (but a wicked addiction to Netflix).
Looking forward to hearing more from all of you.